Since 2006 International Child Development Center has been providing services for children and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities.The center provides complete developmental assessments, direct one-on-one center and home-based ABA therapy, ABA therapist supervision, Speech therapy, Adaptive Physical and Occupational Therapy, developmentally based play and community –based activities, parent training and consultation, school teacher consultation.
- ABA Services (e.g. discrete trial training (DTT), incidental teaching, natural learning paradigm (NLP),
- Adaptive Skills Training (e.g. community integration, social skills training),
- Speech Therapy
- Verbal behavior intervention (attempts to capture a child’s motivation to develop a connection between the value of a word and the word itself)
- Occupational Therapy
- Sensory Integration Therapy
- Adaptive Physical Therapy
- Music Therapy
- Functional behavior assessment (identifying the Reasons for Problem Behavior and Developing a Behavior Plan)
Families are a big part of the process. At ICDC we provide a parent participation in intervention program that will train and assist parents in helping their child to maximize their developmental potential. ICDC’s staff and the parents work together to provide an individually tailored program for each child, thereby maximizing a child’s development.