Adapted Physical Culture

     Adapted Physical Activity programs allow individuals with special needs the opportunity to participate in physical activities. These APA programs are designed with the specific needs and requirements of the individual in mind and allow physical activity to become a safe, accessible form of therapy for children with Autism.

Adapted Physical Therapy may be an opportunity for children with autism who need help developing age-appropriate motor skills, have low muscle tone, or have problems with physical systems such as breathing control. Older autistic children can also benefit from carefully constructed exercise programs, which may be led by an Adapted Physical Culture specialist.

     In 2011, ICDC began a program of Adaptive Physical Education (therapy). APE therapist works in conjunction with the child’s therapy team implementing and monitoring gross motor goals, promoting functional independence, improving mobility and transfers, and ensuring proper positioning and seating.Therapy includes home based or center based services. APC Therapy consists of one-on-one therapy, APA (Adapted Physical Activity) therapeutic groups or co-treatment with Occupational Therapists, depending on the child’s specific needs.

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